Happy Father’s Day to Nolan’s Dad!

Even though Keith Littlewood has been in fire service for 40 years, many at Northeast Fire & Rescue know him best (or only) as “Nolan’s Dad.”
His son, Nolan, ended up following in his dad’s footsteps by becoming a paramedic and a volunteer firefighter, which Keith is proud to take some credit for.
“I tell my wife I was too good of a storyteller when my son was young,” Keith said. “I believe this piqued his interest in volunteering — and I was more than supportive when he showed interest in becoming a junior firefighter when he turned 14.”
Nolan came on board prior to Keith joining Northeast Fire & Rescue, and to this day, some members still refer to Keith as “Nolan’s Dad.”
“Even today, there are members who don’t know my first name – and I consider that an incredible compliment!” said Keith.
Keith said Nolan has always taken steps to gain knowledge and skills in EMS and fire service by listening, watching and asking questions of the more experienced firefighters.
After a tough EMS or fire call, Nolan often seeks advice from someone who understands best — his dad!
“My dad has always been there to support me throughout whatever venture I take,” Nolan said.
Visit https://CapitalRegionFirefighter.org to read about more father-son/daughter firefighting duos!