Carlisle couple share many loves together, most notably firefighting

Husband and wife John and Heidi Heberlig met 25 years ago. They enjoy many activities together — hanging out with friends, camping, attending races and hockey games — but the activity they share the biggest passion for is volunteer firefighting.

John has been a firefighter with Carlisle Fire & Rescue Services for 42 years. He lived down the street from the station, and after helping out at a local fair one year, he decided that he wanted to become a firefighter, which he grew to love and still does to this day.

“Back then I said to myself, ‘This is what I want to do.’ I wanted to help people anyway I could.”

About 25 years ago, he found his other love — Heidi. The two met at Rod’s Roadhouse, and got married about two years later.

Heidi has always been fully supportive of John’s firefighting passion. She began visiting the station to help out and eventually became a volunteer herself.

“I was at the firehouse all the time when Johnny was working, so I figured, ‘Why not join?” she said.

Currently she serves as the department’s Secretary and helps wherever she is needed, often taking pictures for the department’s website and social media pages.

“Heidi is a go-getter. She is willing to help in any way she can,” John said.

The two even won an award together in June 2021, a Unit Citation Award for saving a patient who went into cardiac arrest on the Ritner Highway in Carlisle.

Over the years, John has put in many hours running calls, training and assisting with various tasks. Heidi has always admired John’s love of firefighting.

“John is a very good firefighter,” Heidi said. “He is always helping others at the station and is very passionate about what he does.”

Currently, John is a driver and serves on a few different committees. The camaraderie with other firefighters is what has kept him serving for 42 years, as well as being able to help the public in a time of need. Through it all, Heidi has been his biggest supporter.

“Heidi has allowed me to do what I have been doing for several years.”

Carlisle Fire & Rescue Services is one of 21 fire companies included in the Capital Region Firefighter volunteer recruitment campaign. If you want to serve your community and make a difference, there’s likely a nearby fire company and a position for you based on your interest, skills and availability. All training and gear are provided at no cost.

To learn more about how you can volunteer with your local fire company, visit